Black Death, Medicine and the Peasants Revolt.

short but excellent points which cover all the key areas

quite a lot of reading but good facts and has links to short videos

Newer interpretations of what caused the Black Death

Newspaper article argues that it was not caused by fleas on rats

Rats or gerbils?


  1. it killed millions

  2. Nathaniel:

    The Black Death killed so many people because of the speed it was passing on.
    Trade ships going all over Europe were filled with rats carrying the Black Death, passing it on at everywhere they stopped. Fleas also infested farm animals which would just be walking around in packed towns. People popping there buboes, sending infected puss on to passers-by helped spread the Black Death. Medicines meant to help cure the Black Death may have helped the Black Death rather than prevent it as they didn't exactly know what coursed it.

  3. Archie Bryan: the Genoan ships which brought it to Europe stopped in many harbours and spread it on the whole of the Mediterranean coast.

  4. sonny megearys16 June 2015 at 01:26

    - Did the Black Death kill to many?

    The Black Death was believed to be spread by bad smells, so the people thought they had to make potion to counter strike the Black Death. This did not work; smells did not attract the Black Death. What really attracted the Black Death were fleas and rats, fleas (which had a disease) bit rats which went to nearby city’s or crowded towns, because they were so crowded rats could easily catch people. No one new that the monster that infected them was as small as a flea !

  5. people believe that the black death was coasted be the bad smell's so they tried to use sweat smells to kill the dieses. that didn't help.

  6. there where three types of plague bubonic, pneumonic and septic plague
    with bubonic being the weakest out of the three.;)

  7. what killed millions Robert

  8. Poor medical knowledge. Medieval doctors did not understand disease, and had limited ability to prevent or cure it. So, when the plague came, doctors were powerless to stop it.Poor public health. Medieval towns had no system of drains, sewers or rubbish collections. In such dirty conditions, rats lived and germs could grow.

  9. Why Did The Black Death Kill So Many?
    By Kane Nuttall
    The Black Death was a deadly disease that killed hundreds of thousands of people. They are many reasons that the Black Death was so severe and killed so much of the European population. One of the main reasons of the Black Death is that no one knew what a disease was. People thought of all sorts crazy ideas to try cure it such as smelling flowers and other nice scents. Another reason of it spreading is that a lot of towns were full of bacteria. People used to dump dirty food, dead animals and even there poo. This caused a lot of diseased rats and flees to enter the city and it didn’t help that during the Black Death they left all the corpses just outside the town walls.

  10. I forgot to mention that the people of the towns drank dirty water

  11. cameron walker17 June 2015 at 01:47

    Many people who studied history or are still studying it now will know the horrible story of the Black Death; this was one of the biggest tragedies in the history of this world and will be remembered for almost till the end of time.
    The Black Death started in the year of 1347 and it in fact started on a ship, on October 1347 12 trading ships which had just been travelling through the black sea, finally arrived and although it may have been good for the people on the ship getting back home, it was going to be the most horrific event for century’s to come.

  12. Nathaniel s-s
    With the uncovering of skeletons in the east of London scientists now propose that it could have been spread through the air from Asia and not from fleas on rats. This air spread plague is similar to one found in Madagascar that killed 60.
